Sunday, August 5, 2007

IP-phones servicing

The business of IP-phones servicing consists of providing international calls ability to owners of IP-phones or by softphones (software dialers). A business consists of selling accounts for making international calls to end-customers.

The money is earned by selling accounts for international calling to end-customers and provide them with such service.

The difference between calling cards business and IP-phones servicing is that in calling cards business end-customers buy a plstic cards with account number and PIN-code, and in IP-phones servicing end-customers buys account on the website and make calls from their IP-phones (softphone-dialers). They are able to recharge their accounts on the same website and see CDR and calls history.

There are two main ways to call - from IP-phone and from software-dialer. in order to call from software dialer, end-customer has to call from PC with headphones and microphone. Having IP-phone, end-customer just connects it to Ethernet and make calls.

The IP-phones servicing company also has to have a website for providing end-customers with CDR and calls history, ability to recharge their accouns and contact to customers support department.

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